The Colorado Springs Marriott is USAFA Football Headquarters again this fall. If you have not had the opportunity to enjoy the pagentry of this local venue, now is your chance.
For a limited time (and on a limited number of rooms) the Colorado Springs Marriott is offering all USAFA fans and supporters an unbelievable rate of $99/nt.
Reservations can be made by phone 24 hours a day by calling the 1-800-932-2151 Reservations office. Please mention you are attending the "USAFA Booster Club" and which weekend you will be attending.
We have also included some Reservation web links to assist with the booking process. Simply click any of the links belowand you will be directed to the property's home page with our code already entered in the appropriate field. All you need to do is enter your arrival date to begin the reservation process.
To avoid any availability issues, please make reservations as soon as you know you will be coming. Cutoff is about 3-4 weeks prior to each game for these rates. More importantly, the Marriott will also be hosting several reunion classes and the hotel will be sold out most of these weekends.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service, and please feel free to contact me at any time.
Parents Weekend:
Homecoming vs TCU:
Tennessee State:
San Diego State:
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